DaybyDay research

What is connection, how can we stimulate it and make it visible?

DaybyDay’s first creative research dived into the interpretation of connection, with ourselves and our environment. What is connection, how can we stimulate it and make is visible? Throughout a period of 12 weeks Jade worked with a group of 13 people, young and old, around this theme. The three main ingredients of the work where play, trust and collaboration. Playing as a universal source of inspiration. Trusting, getting to know one and another through principles of partnering such as leading, following, listening. And collaboration, being part of, joining forces and sharing a creative common ground. The project aimed to offer an open yet structured space where each participant could contribute ideas, learn from each other, and was able to transcend the boundaries of their own discipline or experience.

The result of the project was shown on Thursday 12 December 2020 in the dance studio at Nieuwe Vorst Tilburg, where the audience attended an intimate performance in the space where the participants worked together for 12 weeks.

Thanks to all participants who joined: Sterre, Beau, Noemi, Lasse, Dylan, Anneleen, Mitch, Loraine, Leoni, Aly, Karin, Judith and Jan.

© DaybyDay project by Jade van den Hout / Supported by Art-Fact Tilburg